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The EPC show brings together conferences covering LNG Export Engineering & Construction, LNG Export Operations & Maintenance, Hydrogen & Ammonia Engineering & Construction, Midstream Engineering & Construction, Petrochemicals & Refining, and Sustainable Aviation Fuels.

Industry leaders at the forefront of projects will show you how to deliver and operate major energy projects successfully in today's complex environment. Check out all the case studies and interactive panel discussions on offer so you maximize your experience at the event.

LNG Export Engineering & Construction Conference Agenda 

Project, Market & Regulatory Outlook

An Industry Leaders Perspective: The Current Outlook for Major LNG Export Project Development

  • With the third wave of US LNG development well underway, this session will bring together senior leaders representing major project owner / operators to take stock of current progress and what the future holds for an expected $100 billion investment before the end of the decade.
  • Join us as they share their take on the current landscape including project updates, execution & design strategies, the permitting & regulation outlook, emerging contracting models, the evolving craft labour picture, supply chain & logistics.

Owner / Operator and EPC Executive Interview – Mega Project Delivery

  • Hear exclusive insights from a major project developer and EPC partner who are actively constructing / operating their facility and associated infrastructure.
  • Discover the key strategies for success: how they navigated FEED to FID, broke ground and scaled up construction, worked with key regulatory agencies, ensured operational readiness during commissioning and start up.

The Global LNG Supply, Demand and Project Outlook

As the global appetite for clean and secure energy continues to grow, an increasing number of regions and developers are looking to progress projects and secure long term offtake agreements. Join us as we discuss:

  • Major project updates globally
  • Offtake and pricing trends
  • Expected capacity and demand milestones to 2050
  • The current state of play in key LNG development hubs including North America, Australia, Qatar and other emerging players

Navigate Cost, Contracting & Permitting Uncertainty

Permitting & Regulation Updates for LNG Export Project Development

  • The LNG approval pause and vacating of previously awarded permits means both project developers and their potential customers are looking to understand what impact the new administration, further court rulings and an uptick in environmental advocacy will have on their ability to secure and maintain the necessary permissions to construct and operate their facilities.
  • To help you successfully navigate this landscape we will bring together key agencies and experts to discuss the latest relevant policy and procedure developments, new ways of working and potential pinch points.
  • Featuring senior representatives from key stakeholders including the US Department of Energy (DoE), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and US Coast Guard (USGC).

The Future of EPC Contracting in a Heightened Risk Environment

  • Permitting setbacks, regulatory uncertainty, schedule delays, the unpredictable cost of capital, equipment and labour are creating a heightened risk environment for major project development in the US.
  • This new operating reality is forcing a major rethink of how to appropriately allocate and mitigate risk between project owners and EPCs, select the most appropriate contracting strategy and maintain a ‘win win’ for all stakeholders.  
  • This session will explore some of the emerging and innovative approaches which are being taken to managing this heightened risk profile. Discussion will include establishing strategic partnerships across the full value chain, a dynamic approach to contracting the individual phases of construction, incentivisation on future project success, an increasing focus on roles and responsibility during the tendering and FEED process and keeping technology options open through the permitting approval process.

Cost Estimation in the Face of Inflation, Schedule Delays and Competition

  • The current wave of LNG project development has seen a rapid escalation of project costs, with some estimates suggesting nearly a 50% increase in the last 5 years.
  • The challenges presented by the heightened cost environment are being compounded by shifting timelines and schedule changes, making it increasingly difficult to achieve the certainty required during FEED to take an FID.
  • Join industry leaders who are at the forefront of finding cost clarity in a particularly testing landscape as they discuss how to effectively build pricing contingency into your FEED process. This session will focus on extending quote validity, understanding your likely permitting timelines, the importance of supplier relationships, knowing your place in the equipment queue and harnessing historical data driven insights.

Technology Selection, Project Design & Execution Strategies

Assess, Select and Implement the Best Design & Execution Strategy for your Facility

  • When planning a new facility, developers are faced with an overwhelming array of choices when it comes to the size, planning, layout, design and execution of their project. In addition, USGC projects are subject to long-term feed gas composition uncertainty.  
  • The most suitable decision for each project is typically dependent on several key variables including the project financing model, facility location, project timelines, stakeholder risk appetite and experience, workforce availability and equipment supply chains.
  • To help you understand which solution is best suited to your facility, this session will take a comprehensive look at key developments in optimal train processing capacity and technology readiness, pre-fabrication, modularization, integrated project delivery and how to select your strategy.

Futureproof your Project with the Latest Advances in Decarbonization Technology

  • Whilst opportunities for LNG developers to decarbonize their operations has been a key priority for several years, the likelihood of increasingly prescriptive environmental oversight and regulation has added urgency to an already complex challenge.
  • In this new reality, it has never been more important to ensure your current or planned project is harnessing best in class technology when it comes to decarbonization, environmental monitoring and electrification. With a multitude of options available, developers must take an evidence-based approach to selecting the most appropriate solution for their facility.
  • This session explores how several advances, including Carbon, Capture & Storage (CSS), alternative fuels, electric motors, flaring & venting reduction, digital optimisation and improved energy efficiency can help ensure your project meets its decarbonization potential and stands up to increased permitting and regulation scrutiny.

Assessing Approaches to Mitigating Feedstock Variability

  • Variable feedgas composition is creating an increasingly pervasive challenge for both operational and planned facilities within the US. Potentially effecting the operational efficiency, economic viability and environmental impact of LNG export facilities.
  • In response, project owners are being pushed to relook at their existing operations, whilst those planning facilities must now build resiliency into their systems and futureproof their operations. Their efforts are further complicated by lengthy design, approval and construction timelines in addition to agencies facing an overwhelming number of new applications and requests to modify existing facilities. 
  • This session will review the assess various mitigation strategies, including feed gas pretreatment, the use of NRUs, navigating permitting and approval timelines, advanced monitoring and control systems, capturing & utilising valuable gases, flexible process design and blending strategies.

Case Study Panel: Equipment, Technology & Process Innovation 

  • The rapid advancement of key equipment and processes, including turbomachinery, heat exchangers, turbines, pre-treatment, liquefaction and storage is paramount to the continued success of major LNG project development in a more testing landscape.
  • This session will feature real world case studies from key OEMs, licensors and solution providers at the forefront of enabling the industry to navigate an increasingly complex cost, regulatory and workforce environment.

Project, Supply Chain & Workforce Management Optimization

Best in Class Project Management Strategies

  • Project leaders are responsible for managing multiple workstreams, coordinating and communicating across numerous departments. They must ensure that capital projects which best meet organisational objectives are appropriately prioritised, resourced and funded.
  • This session will explore how implementing corporate project governance processes including stage gates, benchmarking and multi discipline team reviews can be leveraged by developers of all size and experience to increase project success, efficiency and ROI.
  • Specifically, we will discuss how corporate governance can foster improved project focus and clarity, help early identification and mitigation of risks, promote efficient resource allocation and deliver enhanced communication and collaboration.

Unlocking Additional Production Capacity Through Small Capital Projects

  • With large capital projects increasingly susceptible to unexpected delays and cost escalation, many developers are looking to upgrade and optimize their existing assets as a cost-effective way to add additional capacity.
  • With debottlenecking potentially offering production gains exceeding 15%, costing significantly less than adding new capacity and avoiding lengthy permitting revisions, the potential benefits to these small capital projects are clear. However, with so many potential options to optimise your project, determining where you will see the most bang for your buck is a complex and time-consuming process.
  • Join us as we explore how to narrow down your options, establish which projects merit additional investigation / investment, navigate the regulatory framework to make adjustments and reach an FID in the most cost effective and timely manner possible. 

Building a Resilient, Integrated and Technology Driven Supply Chain

  • Inflationary pressures, an ever-evolving geopolitical landscape and increasing competition for equipment, materials and labour has seen growing pressure on supply chain executives to identify, categorise and mitigate risk within their ecosystem.
  • Whilst managing these external risks, they are also being called upon to strengthen tier 1 vendor relationships, foster proactive engagement with engineering / operations teams and understand how to leverage nascent technologies such as AI to improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • This session will bring together senior supply chain leaders to discuss best practice in risk mapping, piloting new technology / innovations, enhancing vendor resiliency and breaking down departmental silos.

The Workforce Challenge – Moving from Conversation to Action

  • An ever-present challenge for nearly a decade, the ability to recruit, train and retain skilled labour has continued to be a key concern for major LNG project developers and their partners.
  • Whilst everyone recognises that the current landscape is very challenging, the industry needs to move toward concrete solutions that offer tangible results when looking to address: What motivates the next generation of workers? How do you differentiate your company in a highly competitive market? How do you accelerate talent development and prepare them for promotion? Understanding your internal gaps and needs over the lifetime of a project?
  • Join us as we deliver a case study led panel focussing on real world examples of how to overcome these persistent workforce challenges, giving you actionable insights you can implement in your own organisation.


LNG Export Operations, Maintenance & Turnarounds Conference Agenda

Project Development (Pre-FID)

Selecting Critical Path Operational Readiness Deliverables Pre-FID

  • Before an LNG facility can reach an FID, it is vital to identify and implement critical Operational Readiness (OR) tasks. Given the financial constraints at this stage, development teams must focus on essential activities that ensure project viability, comply with lenders due diligence and mitigate risks.
  • Ensuring team alignment on priorities and critical tasks is crucial to avoid miscommunication and rework. Early identification and management of risks can mitigate impacts during project execution post-FID.
  • Early Development of Key strategies and OR plans support alignment with EPC contracting strategy to assure scope clarity prior to EPC contracting.
  • This session will focus on best practices for identifying and addressing critical FEED stage OR deliverables before reaching FID

Building a Robust OPEX Model for LNG Projects: Balancing Costs and Operational Readiness in the Development Phase

  • Developing an accurate OPEX model is vital during the LNG facility's project development phase. Balancing CAPEX and OPEX expenditure whilst also accurately forecasting costs including land leases, rentals, long-term service agreements ensure financial viability and helps secure financing.
  • Balancing immediate and long-term costs, engaging EPC contractors, and involving operational teams early are key to smooth project transitions. Accurate OPEX forecasting requires understanding industry benchmarks and hidden costs, especially for those new to LNG operations.
  • This session will explore strategies for accurate short, medium and long-term OPEX modelling; essential to secure financing and ensure safe, reliable and cost-efficient production. 

Integrating Operational Expertise in the Development of LNG Facilities: Bridging the Gap Between Planning and Operational Readiness

  • During LNG facility development, operational teams are often involved too late, leading to misaligned objectives between engineering, construction, and commissioning. Being overly focussed on budget and schedule can often overlook the long-term benefits of early operational integration.
  • Failure to involve operations teams early, especially during FEED and design reviews, leaves issues unaddressed until commissioning, with problems having to be solved reactively. This results in cost overruns, project delays, and compromised safety during start-up.
  • This session will highlight the importance of embedding experienced operations and commissioning personnel early in LNG projects. We will discuss strategies for fostering cross-functional collaboration between EPC teams and operations staff, ensuring smoother project transitions, reducing costs, and improving safety and efficiency during start-up.

Project Execution to Stabilization (Post-FID)

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance in LNG Operations: Embedding FERC, PHMSA, and Relevant Local Agency Standards Throughout Development and Operations

  • In the LNG industry, embedding regulatory compliance with agencies like FERC, PHMSA, and the U.S. Coast Guard is vital at every development and operational stage. While construction and engineering often receive significant attention, operational compliance is often only considered later in the process, risking safety and efficiency.
  • LNG facilities also face the challenge of navigating evolving regulations highly specific to their operations, which can complicate compliance efforts. Adhering to permit limits and understanding agency reporting timelines, especially during unplanned incidents like flaring is essential for maintaining compliance.
  • This session will explore best practices for integrating regulatory compliance, reporting, and testing throughout LNG operations. Join us as we discuss how maintaining regular communication with regulatory bodies, utilizing experts for evolving regulations, and ensuring operational teams can quickly flag compliance issues can promote compliance at all stages of development and operations.

Best Practices for Commissioning and Start-Up (CSU) of LNG Facilities

  • The CSU phase is a highly complex process which demands precision and is heavily influenced by contracting and build strategy. Successful completion requires the management of multiple technical, regulatory, and operational challenges to avoid delays, maintain expected costs and ensure safety.
  • Coordinating the seamless operation of complex systems, integrating new technologies, stringent safety and environmental regulations, supply chain disruptions, and workforce constraints further complicate CSU efforts.
  • This session will explore proven strategies for successfully managing CSU of LNG facilities. Attendees will learn how to address technical complexities, mitigate delays, and streamline CSU workflows to ensure safe, timely, and cost-efficient project delivery.

Crafting the O&M Group: Building Effective Teams and Sustainable Workflows

  • Establishing a robust O&M group is essential for the efficiency, safety, and reliability of LNG facilities. As plants move from construction to operation, a structured O&M team is crucial for managing daily activities, contractor relationships, and maintenance tasks across sites.
  • Each LNG site typically operates with its own team of engineers, supported by central Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Coordinating between these teams, contractors, and leadership is vital, especially when managing a mix of full time and contract staff.
  • This session will cover best practices for developing a comprehensive O&M strategy including leadership models, team make-up, maintenance and procurement workflows, and integrating IT/OT systems for long-term success.

Post Stabilisation (Post Start-up)

Effective Management of Modifications and Maintenance in LNG Facilities

  • LNG operators are required to simultaneously manage multiple brownfield projects, ranging from minor modifications, routine maintenance, and major upgrades. Challenges often stem from inadequate scope definitions, complex internal approval steps, and the need for robust recommendations to greenlight projects.
  • This session will explore best practices for managing brownfield upgrades at LNG facilities. Participants will learn strategies for defining project scopes, streamlining approval processes, and ensuring funding requests are supported by vetted activities.
  • Experts will also discuss how to prioritize projects based on scope and impact, enabling efficient execution of maintenance and upgrades while maintaining safety and operational efficiency. In addition to implementing Safe Work Permitting procedures and the effective management of the project work by the Operations team during normal plant operations.

On Time & On Budget: How to Optimize Turnaround Planning

  • Successful turnaround planning is fraught with challenges, from defining project scope to managing resources, safety, and cost.
  • TA professionals are tasked with managing the sometimes-competing priorities of minimizing downtime, optimizing resource management, and maintaining safety while staying within budget. In planning
  • Join us for practical insights on the use of integrating planning with operations and SIMOP reviews, digital project management tools, advanced production / shipping scheduling, collaboration between internal and external teams, and risk mitigation strategies.

Workforce & Safety Strategies at all Stages of Development

Strategies for Recruitment, Training, and Retention Across the Project Lifecycle

  • LNG export facility operators face significant hurdles in building a skilled workforce capable of managing operations through the entire lifecycle—from project development, through execution, to post-stabilization.
  • Training programs must be frequently updated, delivered regularly, and allow for competency of operators to be evaluated thoroughly. From a recruitment perspective, finding experienced talent is challenging, particularly in the growing North American LNG market. Additionally, retaining skilled workers is becoming more complex as competition grows and movement between operators increases.
  • This session will explore best practices for addressing recruitment, training, and retention challenges in the LNG O&M sector. Experts will discuss phased recruitment and staffing timelines, aligning training programmes with regulatory needs and competency testing through an effective and regularly updated operator training simulator (OTS). Attendees will also learn how to balance experienced LNG operators with energy professionals transitioning to LNG and develop strategies to prevent talent loss after stabilization.

Fostering a Safety-First Culture in LNG Operations: Strategies for Incident Reporting, Risk Management, and Contractor Engagement

  • In the dynamic environment of LNG facilities, fostering a robust safety and compliance culture is crucial for mitigating operational risks. Organizations often face challenges in creating an open environment for reporting incidents and near misses without fear of repercussions. A proactive approach is essential to use these incidents as learning opportunities to improve safety performance, especially among contractors and vendors.
  • Establishing this culture involves changing perceptions about reporting, categorizing incidents by risk, and ensuring collaboration across teams. Leveraging technology for incident tracking is vital for identifying gaps and enhancing safety measures.
  • This session will explore best practices for fostering and monitoring a safety culture in LNG operations. Discussion will include the importance of Root Cause Analysis (RCA), and strategies for engaging contractors to ensure a unified commitment to safety at all operational levels.

Hydrogen & Ammonia Engineering & Construction Conference Agenda

Keynote Discussions

Keynote Panel: Develop and Construct World-Class Projects On Time, On Budget

  • How a nascent industry can execute a project despite market uncertainty: Discuss common pitfalls and best practices for delivering cost-effective projects in accordance with current IRA guidelines.

  • Picking the right technology and methodology for your project: Explore electrolyzer and CCS technology options, digitalization, and advanced construction techniques to streamline project timelines.

  • Mitigating supply chain risks and securing critical resources: Address strategies for managing potential disruptions and ensuring a reliable supply of materials and equipment.

Daniel Dus, CEO - USA, ACME Group
Vishal Shah, CEO & Founder, Avina Clean Hydrogen
Ankit Patel, Vice President, Air Liquide Engineering & Construction
John Platt, GM - Chemicals & New Energies, Bechtel

Fireside Chat: Developing & Accelerating Projects with David Burns, VP - Global Energy, Linde

  • Building out a global project pipeline, navigating varying regulations, incentives, and supply chain constraints. 
  • Driving down the cost of hydrogen by scaling up projects, with insights into the Path2Zero Project in Canada with Dow as the off-taker.
  • Forming partnerships to achieve project success. 

David Burns, VP - Global Energy, Linde

Scaling Projects and Achieving Off-take Agreements

Panel: Bigger Projects, Bigger Tech - Scaling Electrolyzer and CCUS Technology
  • See the latest advancements and scalability of electrolyzer technology and suitability for your project: Explore the potential of various electrolyzer types (e.g., PEM, alkaline, solid oxide) for large-scale hydrogen projects, considering efficiency, cost, and durability.

  • Assess the technical feasibility and economic viability of CCUS technologies: Considering factors such as capture efficiency, storage capacity, and transportation costs.

  • Evaluate the integration of electrolyzers and CCUS systems, a derivative-based approach: Explore the potential synergies and challenges of combining electrolyzers with CCUS technologies in the FEED phase to optimize hydrogen production.

Pradeep Venkataraman, Senior Technology Director, AES
Matt LaBorde, Project Development Director, TES H2

Panel: Evolving Demand Landscape and Engaging Off-takers
  • Aligning projects with demand - identifying off-take opportunities: Discuss the specific needs of potential buyers of hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol including pricing, quality, and supply security.
  • Assess the role of off-taker commitments in securing project financing: Explore how long-term off-taker agreements can help de-risk projects and attract investment.
  • Develop strategies for addressing off-taker concerns and meeting requirements: Discuss potential solutions to challenges such as contract negotiations, volume guarantees, and pricing mechanisms.

Andy Steinhubl, Board Member, Green Hydrogen International
Moshe Bonder, Energy Transition Leader, National Grid Ventures

Ammonia Projects in Focus

Fireside Chat: Ammonia Projects Interview with Joel Moser, CEO, First Ammonia

  • Project Spotlight: Explore First Ammonia's flagship project near Port of Victoria, Texas, examining its scope, technology, and potential impact on the ammonia market.
  • CEO Insights: Hear the company's strategic approach to project development, including navigating challenges and selecting the correct project partners for the FEED phase. 

Joel Moser, CEO, First Ammonia

Panel: Developing Best-in-Class Ammonia Projects

  • Site selection, project partners, and engaging customers: Explore technical and economic requirements to develop world-class export infrastructure.

  • Addressing the specific challenges of building and operating ammonia projects: Overcome technical, economic, and regulatory challenges in the FEED phase. 

  • Timelines for projects to come online and the outlook for ammonia trade: Analyze the progress of current projects, cost projections, and how this will impact the growth in international ammonia trade.

Andrea Baldi, Hydrogen Business Development Director, RWE
Henrik Rasmussen, Managing Director - Americas, Topsoe
Lorena Ciciriello, CEO, EE North America

Supply Chain and Picking the Right Project Partners

Panel: Overcoming Equipment Shortages and Supply Chain Constraints
  • Identifying critical equipment shortages and supply chain bottlenecks: Discuss the specific challenges facing the industry, including electrical equipment shortages and availability of renewable power.

  • Developing strategies for securing essential equipment and materials: Explore options such as alternative suppliers, modularization, long-term contracts, and inventory management.

  • Mitigating the impact of supply chain disruptions: Discuss contingency planning and risk management strategies.

(Moderator) Jeffrey Pollack, Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer, Port of Corpus Christi
Jason Stevens, Project Development Director, EDP Renewables North America
Azer Mashmood, Project Delivery Manager, Fortescue Future Industries
Sandy Clancy, General Manager - Project Delivery, JERA Americas

Fireside Chat: Projects Interview with Damien Renwick, CCO & EVP, LSB Industries

  • Spotlighting the Houston Ship Channel Low Carbon Ammonia Project: Insights into the FEED-phase, engaging off-takers and partnerships that have been formed to deliver the project. 

Damien Renwick, CCO & EVP, LSB Industries

Panel: Optimizing the FEED Phase and Picking the Right Project Partners
  • Proving project feasibility to secure EPC agreements: Showcase robust large-scale project plans to engage major EPCs and suppliers in the FEED phase, finding the right partner to ensure development success. 

  • Leveraging best-in-class project management solutions & finding the right suppliers: Explore best practices for project management while negotiating and managing partnerships across engineering firms, licensors, and other suppliers to minimize risk.

  • Ensuring adequate warranty coverage: With the industry being nascent, assess warranty options and how to negotiate favorable terms.

(Moderator) Maksim Sonin, Hydrogen Projects Fellow, Stanford University
Matthew Small, Director - Project Development and Policy, StormFisher Hydrogen
Dustin Bruce, VP - CCUS & Low Carbon Solutions, Kiewit
Stephen Goff, Project Development Director, MHI Hydrogen Infrastructure

Transitioning into the Operational Phase

Presentation: What does a Successful Operating Project look like? Breaking Down a Large-Scale Plant
  • Project case study deep-dive into an operating low-carbon hydrogen project: See how a project moved from plans, FDI, and development into the operational phase, showcasing challenges, hidden costs, and best practices.

  • Address risks before they become costs, getting the project development phase right: Explore issues such as equipment reliability, maintenance, and safety early.

  • Leveraging best-in-class construction and project management solutions: Discuss the benefits of embracing the latest construction techniques and data-driven insights to improve construction efficiency and reduce costs.

Panel: Smoothly Transitioning into the Operational Phase
  • Developing a comprehensive transition plan: Discuss the key steps involved in moving from construction to operation.

  • Ensuring a seamless handover of responsibilities: Explore strategies for effective communication and coordination between project teams and plant operators.

  • Addressing the challenges of ramping up production and achieving full capacity: Discuss the factors that can impact startup and the strategies for optimizing the ramp-up process.

Midstream Engineering & Construction Conference Agenda 

Keynote Discussions

Panel: Accelerating the Next Wave of Midstream Projects

  • Industry Trends and Market Opportunities: Industry executives discuss the current state of developing midstream infrastructure, including key trends, challenges, and opportunities to ensure projects meet rising demand from data centers, exports, and more. 

  • Regulatory Landscape: Examine the evolving regulatory framework governing midstream projects, including environmental regulations, permitting processes, and safety standards. Discuss the implications of the latest regulatory changes and their potential impact on project development and execution.

  • Latest EPC Challenges and Solutions: Explore the latest solutions in midstream engineering and construction, such as digitalization, automation, and advanced materials to ensure your pipeline, storage, and processor infrastructure is developed on time and within budget. 

Stephanie D. Wilson, VP - Chief of Staff - Midstream Operations, Phillips 66 Pipeline
Joseph Versnell, VP - Midstream, Kiewit
Brandon Burch, COO, Howard Energy Partners
(moderator) Paul Hartmann, Director - Midstream Policy, American Petroleum Institute

Presentation: The Latest on Regulations and Requirements for Midstream Projects
  • Understanding Requirements for Approvals: Outline the essential regulations for midstream projects, including pipeline safety standards, hazardous materials transportation guidelines, and emergency response protocols. Discuss the importance of compliance and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

  • Opportunities for Innovation and Efficiency: Explore how midstream projects can leverage technological advancements and best practices to meet FERC requirements while improving efficiency and sustainability, including insights on developing hydrogen and carbon-ready infrastructure. 

  • Addressing Regulatory Challenges and Timelines: Assess permit applications, timelines, and community engagement, with insights into effectively addressing these challenges, boosting local economies, and minimizing delays.

Bryan Lethcoe, Director - Southwest Office, PHMSA

Navigating Supply Chain Constraints, Developing Megaprojects, and Community Engagement

Panel: Navigating Rising Costs and Shortages: Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Project Success

  • Robust Supply Chain Development: Implement diversified sourcing and agile supply chain strategies to effectively manage material shortages and ensure the timely delivery of essential resources.

  • Advanced Cost Mitigation Techniques: Adopt innovative cost control and optimization methods to address escalating material and labor costs, ensuring projects remain profitable despite economic volatility.

  • Strategic Labor Management and Contract Negotiation: Develop comprehensive labor management strategies and master contract negotiation tactics to secure necessary workforce resources and favorable terms, driving project success in a competitive market.

Bo Rogers, VP - Process Improvement, Colonial Pipeline Network
Darya Swaby, Director - Supply Chain, Sempra Infrastructure

Presentation: Megaprojects Management Failure, Risk Threats Management, and Mitigation

  • The Human Factor in Megaproject Failures: Bridging the Gap Between People and Processes: Discover how poor scope definition, inadequate risk management, and stakeholder misalignment rooted in human decision-making and communication lead to delays and cost overruns in energy megaprojects and learn actionable strategies to overcome these challenges.

  • Transforming Complexity into Success: Tackling Human-Centered Challenges in Midstream Megaprojects: Explore how unaddressed supply chain risks, misaligned stakeholder expectations, and execution inefficiencies driven by human factors can derail projects, and uncover innovative approaches to align teams, anticipate risks, and ensure project resilience.

Mohamed Elaoudiy, Program Manager - Engineering & Projects, Energy Transfer

Presentation: Prioritizing Community Engagement 

  • Foster Transparent Communication: Establish effective lines of communication with local communities throughout the development and construction phases. Share project plans, address concerns, and provide clear updates to build trust and understanding.

  • Prioritize Local Hiring and Procurement: Maximize economic benefits for the local community by hiring local workers and sourcing materials from local businesses whenever possible. This can help strengthen local economies and foster positive relationships.

  • Support Community Initiatives: Identify and support community-driven initiatives that align with your project, including donating to community organizations or providing educational resources.

Innovation in Engineering & Construction and Matching Demand

Presentation: Data Centers: A Major Opportunity for the Midstream Sector

  • Addressing growing demand and preparing new infrastructure: See the opportunities to meet the increasing energy demands of data centers, working with regulators to accelerate approvals.

  • Leverage existing assets: Utilize existing infrastructure, such as pipelines and power plants, to provide essential services to data centers.

  • Building strategic partnerships with data center operators: Secure a stable revenue stream and diversify their business through long-term partnerships with owners/operators.

Presentation: Specialized Weather-Resistant Equipment

  • Corrosion Protection:  Explore advanced materials, coatings, and protective treatments so midstream infrastructure can withstand exposure to corrosive chemicals, saltwater, and extreme temperature fluctuations, ensuring long-term durability and minimizing maintenance costs.

  • Extreme Temperature Resilience: Utilize specialized materials, insulation, and heating/cooling systems to ensure pipelines, valves, pumps, and other equipment can operate reliably in both hot and cold climates.

  • Weatherproofing and Sealing:  Incorporate weatherproofing and sealing measures into your construction and procurement plans to minimize the risk of leaks in pipelines and storage tanks. 

Presentation: Optimizing Modular Construction

  • Customization and Flexibility: See how modular construction can be customized to meet the needs of midstream projects, such as varying pipeline diameters, storage capacities, and processing requirements. 

  • Risk Management and Contingency Planning: Examine the role of modular construction in mitigating project risks, including supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and adverse weather conditions. Discuss the importance of contingency planning and risk management strategies in modular projects.

  • Remote Site Construction and Maintenance: Explore the use of modular construction to expedite project timelines and reduce logistical challenges in remote areas.

Innovation in Engineering & Construction 

Presentation: Optimizing Modular Construction

  • Customization and Flexibility: See how modular construction can be customized to meet the needs of midstream projects, such as varying pipeline diameters, storage capacities, and processing requirements. 

  • Risk Management and Contingency Planning: Examine the role of modular construction in mitigating project risks, including supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and adverse weather conditions. Discuss the importance of contingency planning and risk management strategies in modular projects.

  • Remote Site Construction and Maintenance: Explore the use of modular construction to expedite project timelines and reduce logistical challenges in remote areas.

Presentation: Specialized Weather-Resistant Equipment

  • Corrosion Protection:  Explore advanced materials, coatings, and protective treatments so midstream infrastructure can withstand exposure to corrosive chemicals, saltwater, and extreme temperature fluctuations, ensuring long-term durability and minimizing maintenance costs.

  • Extreme Temperature Resilience: Utilize specialized materials, insulation, and heating/cooling systems to ensure pipelines, valves, pumps, and other equipment can operate reliably in both hot and cold climates.

  • Weatherproofing and Sealing:  Incorporate weatherproofing and sealing measures into your construction and procurement plans to minimize the risk of leaks in pipelines and storage tanks. 

Presentation: Advanced Welding Techniques and Drone Inspections

  • Robotic Welding: See the benefits of robotic welding in improving the quality, efficiency, and consistency of pipeline construction. Explore the advantages of robotic welding, such as increased accuracy, reduced defects, and improved worker safety. 

  • Automated Inspection Systems: Examine the benefits of automated inspections in the project planning and execution phases to identify and address potential issues early on.

  • Drone Inspections: Utilize aerial surveys to monitor construction progress and identify potential safety hazards in the development phase.

Panel Q&A: Ask the Presenters about their Innovative Solutions

Hydrogen & Carbon Ready Infrastructure

Presentation: Hydrogen Backbone Infrastructure: Repurposing, Blending, and New Facilities 

  • Repurposing Existing Infrastructure: Explore the potential for repurposing existing natural gas pipelines, storage facilities, and distribution networks for hydrogen transport.

  • Hydrogen Blending: See a first-hand case study into the feasibility of blending hydrogen with natural gas in existing pipelines to introduce hydrogen into the energy system.

  • New Facilities and Technologies: Discuss the need for and development of new hydrogen infrastructure, including hydrogen production facilities, storage tanks, and specialized equipment. Explore innovative technologies that can enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of handling and transportation.

Panel: Developing a Midstream Sector Ready to Handle Hydrogen, Captured Carbon, and Lower-Carbon Gases

  • Infrastructure Adaptation: Discuss modifications to existing midstream infrastructure, such as pipelines, storage facilities, and processing plants, to accommodate hydrogen, carbon, and lower-carbon gases.

  • Assess Project’s Economic Viability: Analyze the economic factors driving the development of a midstream sector capable of handling hydrogen, carbon, and lower-carbon gases. Assess producer and off-taker appetite and the potential costs of investing in new infrastructure.

  • Safety and Regulatory Considerations: Discuss the risks and need for updated regulations and industry standards to ensure the safe construction and operation of lower carbon midstream infrastructure.

Yuri Freedman, Senior Director, SoCalGas
Brittany Wickham, Director, Pilots & Projects – Energy Solutions, TC Energy
Kevin Boudreaux, Head of Power Supply, Monarch Energy
John Shefchik, COO, Humble Midstream

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) Engineering & Construction Conference Agenda

Commercial Viability & Scalability 

Expert Insight / Case Study: Improving cost efficiency, financial viability and scalability of SAF production

  • How can costs be controlled in SAF projects to ensure economic viability and attract investment?
  • Ensuring value for money by conducting thorough cost-benefit analyses, even in early-stage projects.
  • Leveraging advanced pre-treatment technologies to enhance the cost efficiency and scalability of SAF production.
  • How can modularization improve capital efficiency and adaptability in SAF projects, particularly in remote locations?
  • Applications of renewable energy sourced hydrogen in SAF production to reduce carbon intensity and improve sustainability.
  • Innovating in project design and execution to drive down costs and improve capital efficiency.
  • What measures can be taken to navigate cost inflation and improve the competitiveness of SAF?
  • What role does energy efficiency play in maximizing output while minimizing resource consumption in SAF production?
  • Adapting technologies to match more affordable and available feedstocks, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness in SAF production.

Panel: Overcoming the challenge of securing long-term offtake agreements for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

  • Securing long-term offtake agreements with airlines to ensure the financial viability of SAF projects.
  • What are the challenges in negotiating favorable terms in offtake agreements between SAF producers and airlines?
  • Creating regulatory and policy levers to drive change - how can airlines best incentivized to commit to long-term SAF purchases through government subsidies or mandates?
  • Addressing the risks for airlines associated with short-term agreements that do not provide sufficient financial stability for SAF projects in achieving long term SAF supply growth
  • Collaborating with airlines to develop mutually beneficial agreements that support the growth of SAF production.

Expert Insight / Case Study: Investment and financing SAF project development in this early emerging market

  • Securing development capital in a market where investors are hesitant to fund early-stage SAF projects.
  • Understanding the financing structures that pose challenges to the economic feasibility of SAF projects.
  • Impacts of technology risk insurance on SAF project finance
  • How can innovative investment strategies be aligned with the evolving landscape of SAF technology and market demand?
  • Overcoming the challenges of short term offtake agreements in securing finance to commercially scale production
  • Pros and cons of funding project development through the balance sheets of major energy companies
  • Cost benefit analysis balancing the need for substantial upfront investment with the potential long-term returns of SAF projects.

Panel: Creating functional policy and regulatory levers to promote SAF offtake, investment and development

  • How can government mandates and incentives be leveraged to drive the adoption of SAF technologies?
  • Challenges arising from navigating the complexities of legislative incentives across different regions?
  • Showcasing successful SAF projects that benefited from government support to attract further investment.
  • How can policymakers be engaged to advocate for stronger mandates and incentives in the SAF industry?
  • Making the most of the role of local and global government incentives and regulatory standards in growing global SAF demand, offtake and development

Contractual & Operational 

Expert Insight / Case Study: EPC and SAF Project Contractual Dynamics: Creating Mutually Beneficial End to End Working Relationships
  • Key challenges in navigating the complexities of evolving contracting models in the SAF industry
  • The transition from traditional lump-sum turnkey contracts to hybrid models that better distribute risk and reward between EPCs and SAF project developers.
  • Balancing the need for technical excellence with cost competitive commercial viability to secure buy-in from a diverse range of investors and participants in SAF projects.
  • Implementing strategies to manage cost inflation and enhance capital efficiency, ensuring that contractual terms remain favorable and projects stay on track financially.
  • Is risk adjusted pricing (RAP) a viable solution to align contract terms with the expectations and risk appetites of both EPCs and project developers?
  • Ensuring competitive contractual terms as EPCs become increasingly selective

Expert Insight / Case Study: Opportunities and challenges in technology risk insurance and risk management in SAF project development

  • Emerging opportunities to mitigate financial risks in SAF projects through the use of technology risk insurance addressing the unique risks associated with SAF production technologies.
  • Challenges around sufficient insurance market capacity be secured to support large-scale SAF projects and protect against potential losses
  • Engaging with insurance providers early in the project planning phase to develop tailored risk management solutions.
  • Managing effective and commercially viable risk allocation in partnerships between EPCs and project developers
  • Strengths and limitations of current insurance models and potential scope for further technology risk mitigation

Roundtable: Enhancing Collaboration and Comparing Operational Performance

This Roundtable Session brings together key stakeholders in SAF production and technology development for a collaborative discussion on operational performance. Conducted under the discretion of Chatham House Rules, participants will benchmark and openly compare strengths and weaknesses, exchange practical take-home strategies, and explore innovative solutions to shared operational challenges. The session is designed to improve efficiency, address production hurdles, and drive progress in sustainable aviation fuel production by fostering an environment of open dialogue and collaboration between peers.


SAF Technologies & Feedstocks 

Expert Insight / Case Study: Navigating the landscape of SAF production technology selection
  • Selecting appropriate technologies for SAF production, considering the specific characteristics and requirements of each feedstock.
  • How can existing technologies be adapted to new SAF production methods to ensure compatibility and efficiency?
  • What are the risks associated with untested process strings, particularly in scaling up new SAF technologies?
  • Innovating to overcome technological barriers that limit the scalability and cost-effectiveness of SAF production.
  • What strategies can be employed to evaluate the long-term viability of emerging technologies in SAF production?
  • Balancing technological advancements with the need for reliable and proven methods in SAF projects.

Panel: Reviewing latest advances in SAF production and pre-treatment technology

  • Scaling up Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for large-scale SAF production, enabling the conversion of biomass and waste materials into high-quality jet fuel
  • How can advanced catalytic processes be further improved to enhance the efficiency of converting feedstocks like vegetable oils and animal fats into SAF?
  • Innovations harnessing hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) to process wet biomass and convert it directly into biocrude, which can be upgraded to SAF through refining.
  • Employing enhanced feedstock pre-treatment technologies, such as torrefaction and pyrolysis, to improve the energy density and compatibility of biomass for SAF conversion
  • Emerging innovations using carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies upstream of SAF production processes to recycle CO2 emissions and convert them into valuable fuels and chemicals.
  • Advancements in microbial conversion technologies helping to efficiently transform lignocellulosic biomass into SAF precursors, reducing reliance on fossil fuels

Expert Insight / Case Study: Exploring the nexus between hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuel

  • Examining the critical role of hydrogen, particularly from low-carbon sources, in SAF production processes.
  • Balancing the costs and benefits of hydrogen use in SAF production to ensure economic viability.
  • How can technologies be selected to minimize hydrogen consumption while maintaining high efficiency in SAF production?
  • Impacts of hydrogen supply chain logistics on the scalability of SAF production, particularly in regions with varying infrastructure capabilities.
  • The role of government incentives and subsidies in promoting the adoption of hydrogen-based technologies within the SAF industry, and how these policies influence the economic landscape.

Expert Insight / Case Study: Weighing up the pros and cons of feedstock selection in SAF project development 

  • Securing a continuous supply of feedstocks - comparing vegetable oils, tallow, ethanol and wood and other biomass wastes to sustain SAF production at scale
  • Balancing availability and scalability with cost and certification
  • Navigating the food vs. fuel debate be navigated to balance the use of agricultural products for energy without impacting food supplies
  • Exploring emerging alternative feedstocks, such as forestry by-products and waste materials
  • Key challenges in regional differences in feedstock availability, how can they be addressed?
  • Innovating feedstock logistics to streamline the transportation and processing of raw materials for SAF production.


Petchem / Refining Engineering & Construction Conference Agenda

Geopolitical and Market Outlook

Keynote Panel: Leadership Perspectives: Driving Integration, Innovation, and Energy Transition in Capital Projects

  • Exploring the integration of capital projects and turnarounds
  • Aligning contracting strategies between owners and contractors
  • Digitisation trends in the petrochemical and refining industry
  • Explore the challenges of integrating renewable energy sources while meeting the growing global demand for energy

Strategic Responses to Geopolitical Shifts and Energy Transition in the Petrochemical Sector

  • Discussing the outlook for capacity growth from new refining projects.
  • Assess the current state of refining and oil markets, and discuss refiners’ strategies for reducing emissions, including renewable energy investments and carbon capture technologies.
  • Analyse the impact of stringent regulations and political pressures on refining, particularly in Europe, and consider the future of refining capacity and investment in the context of transitioning to electric vehicles and alternative energy sources.

Assessing Project Performance in Modern Capital Projects

The Integration of Capital Projects and Turnarounds in today’s environment

  • Integration challenges and solutions: Discuss the difficulties in aligning capital projects with turnarounds, and explore effective models and strategies for seamless integration to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Examine the latest technologies and tools for planning, scheduling, and executing integrated projects, and how you can address labour shortages and improve efficiency.
  • Analyse approaches to prioritising and scheduling work in a constrained resource environment, and strategies for managing risks associated with capital projects and turnarounds.
  • Contractor coordination and strategy: Delve into best practices for bringing together contractors, procurement, and project strategies to ensure cohesive execution and maximise value in both capital projects and turnaround activities.
  • Digitising processes- particularly in tracking progress from the field and expediting reporting and planning

Precision in Practice: Advancing Cost Estimation and Control

  • Addressing cost escalation challenges driven by supply chain disruptions and rising material costs, and managing expectations around project costs and timelines in today’s volatile market.
  • Aligning cost control measures with operational efficiency to balance project timelines, budgets, and resources
  • Strategies to enhance cost visibility and transparency across the supply chain and project lifecycle
  • The role of AI and predictive modelling in forecasting cost overruns and optimizing budget allocation.

Advancing Maintenance and Reliability

  • Examine the current state of AI and machine learning in maintenance and reliability.
  • Discuss successes, challenges, and the practical application of digital twins in the industry.
  • Explore strategies for workforce mobilisation to improve maintenance practices
  • What is the importance of incorporating maintenance and reliability input during the project development phase?

Ensuring Excellence: Improving Project Outcomes through Readiness Reviews in Capital Projects

  • Understanding the critical role of a robust quality assurance process in mitigating risks and enhancing project outcomes throughout the project lifecycle
  • Best practices for implementing a comprehensive QA program that aligns with industry standards and regulatory requirements
  • Identifying potential gaps early: How a thorough readiness review can improve resource allocation, minimise delays, and prevent cost overruns


Strengthening your Workforce

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Contracting Strategies Between Owners and Contractors in the Petrochemical and Refining Industry

  • What is the current disconnect between what owners and financial institutions require versus what contractors are willing to offer?
  • Discuss how communication, risk sharing, and collaboration can be improved to avoid disputes and claims.
  • The future of contracting: Is fixed-price contracting outdated?
  • Consider alternative contracting models that could provide a more balanced and equitable framework for both owners and contractors.

Building a Robust Workforce

  • Exploring the causes and impact of the current labor deficit on capital projects
  • How leveraging advanced technologies like AI, robotics, and automated systems can reduce reliance on manual labor and enhance productivity despite workforce shortages
  • Strategies to promote diversity in the workforce
  • As experienced professionals retire, how can the industry attract, train, and retain the younger generation to fill the gap?

Building a More Sustainable Outlook

Making the the shift towards Recycling in the Petrochemical and Refining Industry

  • Exploring the complexities of integrating recycling technology into existing petrochemical and refining processes
  • Evaluating whether these investments in recycling technology can be profitable, considering the current market landscape and the potential for generating value from recycled materials
  • Discuss recent investments in recycling technologies, including chemical and mechanical recycling methods, and their potential impact on reducing plastic waste.
  • How are  companies are navigating regulatory and market uncertainties, including fluctuating oil prices and evolving consumer preferences, to ensure successful project outcomes

Balancing Renewables and Traditional Energy in the Petrochemical Industry

  • What are the challenges that need to be addressed when integrating renewable energy into petrochemical operations?
  • Examine the challenges of feedstock acquisition for renewable energy production, including renewable diesel and SAF
  • Discuss the need for technological advancements to enhance the efficiency and output of renewable energy projects.

Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future: Decarbonisation

  • Transitioning towards low-carbon refining: How refineries can adapt processes to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability
  • Exploring the role of alternative fuels such as hydrogen, biofuels, and synthetic fuels in reducing the sector’s carbon footprint
  • Leveraging digital technologies and data analytics to monitor and optimise energy consumption and emissions reduction

Tech Innovations Shaping the Future of Petrochemicals and Refining

Presentation: AI-Powered Transformation in Gulf Coast Petrochemical and Refining Industries

  • This presentation delves into how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the petrochemical and refining industries along the Gulf Coast. By leveraging AI technologies, companies are enhancing operational efficiency, reducing downtime, and driving innovation in process optimization and sustainability.

Digitising the Future: Innovations and Trends in Refining Process Technology

  • Examining how a data-driven approach to engineering and project handover can better align EPCs with owner-operators, leading to improved project outcomes.
  • Exploring the value proposition of integrating digital technologies compared to traditional methods, and how they can enhance efficiency and precision.
  • Highlighting the importance of diagnostic models, automation, and AI in refining process control, including the generation of control graphics and logic.
  • Optimizing project delivery by automating the creation of work packages, streamlining execution, and improving overall workflow efficiency.